

Copyright(C) 2023 NIPPON KANZAI Holdings Co.,Ltd.

Financial Highlights

Historical Data

※Information prior to the 58th Fiscal Year (ending March 31 2023) belongs to Nippon Kanzai Co., Ltd.
  • Net Sales
  • Ordinary Income
  • Net Income
  • Net Income per Share
  • consolidated
  • In million yen
  • 140,000
  • 105,000
  • 70,000
  • 35,000
  • 0
55thYear ended March 31, 2020
56thYear ended March 31, 2021
57thYear ended March 31, 2022
58thYear ended March 31, 2023
1stYear ended March 31, 2024
  • consolidated
  • In million yen
  • 9,000
  • 6,750
  • 4,500
  • 2,250
  • 0
55thYear ended March 31, 2020
56thYear ended March 31, 2021
57thYear ended March 31, 2022
58thYear ended March 31, 2023
1stYear ended March 31, 2024
  • consolidated
  • In million yen
  • 7,000
  • 5,250
  • 3,500
  • 1,750
  • 0
55thYear ended March 31, 2020
56thYear ended March 31, 2021
57thYear ended March 31, 2022
58thYear ended March 31, 2023
1stYear ended March 31, 2024
  • consolidated
  • In yen
  • 200
  • 150
  • 100
  • 50
  • 0
55thYear ended March 31, 2020
56thYear ended March 31, 2021
57thYear ended March 31, 2022
58thYear ended March 31, 2023
1stYear ended March 31, 2024


Fiscal year-end 55th 56th 57th 58th 1st
Settlement date / Items (unit) Year ended Year ended March 31, 2020 Year ended March 31, 2021 Year ended March 31, 2022 Year ended March 31, 2023 Year ended March 31, 2024
Net sales(Million yen) 106,300 104,124 103,737 113,045 122,674
Ordinary income(Million yen) 7,232 7,982 8,276 8,662 8,225
Net income attributable to owners of parent(Million yen) 4,346 5,149 6,177 5,658 5,680
Comprehensive income(Million yen) 3,489 5,928 6,968 6,146 5,959
Net assets(Million yen) 53,029 56,694 61,652 65,479 69,152
Total assets(Million yen) 77,024 81,280 82,141 87,175 92,645
Equity ratio(%) 67.2 68.2 73.5 73.8 73.5
(Reference)Net worth(Million yen) 51,780 55,413 60,372 64,341 68,131
Net income per share(Yen) 117.29 137.74 165.24 151.37 151.95
Net assets value per share(Yen) 1,385.1 1,482.29 1,614.97 1,721.13 1,822.54
ROE※1(%) 8.9 9.6 10.7 9.1 8.3
ROA※2(%) 9.7 10.1 10.1 10.2 8.9
Ordinary income to net sales(%) 6.8 7.7 8 7.7 6.7
Cash flows from operating activities(Million yen) 4,264 7,481 4,456 7,763 5,473
Cash flows from investing activities (Million yen) -3,050 -17 -1,840 -4,511 -2,918
Cash flows from financial activities(Million yen) 1,573 -3,053 -3,074 -3,717 -3,342
Cash and cash equivalents at end of term(Million yen) 28,343 32,830 32,444 32,041 30,864
Number of employees(Persons) 9,752 10,079 10,278 10,381 10,876
[excluding the average number of contingent workers](Persons) [3,731] [3,593] [3,547] [3,560] [3,606]

*1 Return on equity: Net income/{(shareholders' equity at the previous term end + shareholders' equity at the term end)/2}×100(%)

  Return on equity: Only for the 1st Fiscal Year, (Net income/shareholders' equity at the term end) ×100(%)

*2 Ordinary income to total assets: Ordinary income /{(total assets at the previous term end + total assets at the term end)/2}×100(%)

  Ordinary income to total assets: Only for the 1st Fiscal Year, (Ordinary income/total assets at the term end) ×100(%)