

Copyright(C) 2023 NIPPON KANZAI Holdings Co.,Ltd.

Outline of Corporate Stock

Outline of Corporate Stock

Number of shares authorized


Number of shares issued

36,908,316 shares [excluding 4,271,990 shares of treasury stock: as of December 31, 2024]

Number of shareholders

63,103 [as of end of December 2024]

Outline of Stock Administration

Business year

From April 1 to March 31

Annual general shareholders' meeting


Record date

March 31

Record dates for dividends

Interim dividend : September 30
Year-end dividend : March 31

Number of shares per trading unit


Repurchase of fractional unit shares and sale of fractional unit shares

Handling office

(Special account)
Osaka Corporate Agency Division of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
3-6-3, Fushimi-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Pref, Japan

Administrator of the shareholder registry

(Special account)
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
1-4-5, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Other relevant office

Handling fees

A separately provided amount equivalent to the commission for trading shares

Method of public notices

Electronic public notices; provided however, in the case that an electronic public notice is impracticable due to an accident or other unavoidable reason, that public notice shall be provided in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Electronic public notices are disclosed on our website:
Available in Japanese language only.

Shareholder benefits

Shareholders who own one trading unit of shares (100 shares) or more among those who are listed in the shareholder registry as of September 30 and March 31 every year,

1. will be provided for each date mentioned above with a 2,000-yen equivalent gift catalog to choose from, in case the shareholder has been holding the shares for a period of less than three years as of the above mentioned dates.
2. will be provided for each date mentioned above with a 3,000-yen equivalent gift catalog to choose from, in case the shareholder has been holding the shares for a period of consecutive three years or longer as of the above mentioned dates.

Note: In accordance with our company's Articles of Incorporation, shareholders who own less than one unit of shares are only entitled to the rights provided in each item of Paragraph 2, Article 189 of the Companies Act, the right to demand repurchase of shares with put option, the right to receive an allotment of shares for subscription or that of a share option for subscription and the right to demand the sale of fractional unit shares .